
The project results are:

A preparatory meeting in Athens (32 Greek participants) on the 4th of December 2021, opening the dialogue between Greek trade unions, employers, experts etc. on new challenges for companies, workers and information and consultation due to the impact of Covid-19.

A transnational workshop in Rome (28 participants) on 4 July 2022, with the participation of employees’ and employers’ representatives from participating countries. During the transnational workshop, were discussed the challenges that emerge regarding companies, workers and information and consultation, which derive from covid-19. Further to this, the participants have agreed on detailed project activities and tools: organisation of bilateral workshops and development of the online repository and the guide. Simultaneous interpretation in Italian, English and Greek were available. The title of the workshop was “The impact of Covid in information and consultation- the need for organizational and technological adaptations”.

Two bilateral workshops/discussion groups in Germany on the 1st of September 2022 (19 participants) and Spain on 21 July 2022 (22 participants) with the participation of Greek delegation. Consecutive interpretation in German/ Greek and Spanish/Greek were available respectively. The workshop in Germany has focused on “The Impact of covid-19 crisis and conclusions and guidelines for the development of digital skills to workers; representatives”. The workshop in Spain has dealt with the “Impact of Covid- 19 on economy, companies and workers – workers involvement in designing and implementing measures to address the impact of Covid-19 crisis”.

A workshop in Kastoria (26 participants) on 22 October, with participation of local social partners, local government and OBES examining the impact of covid-19 on local and sectoral level.

Organisation of 4 webinars (one in Greece on the 20 of October 2022, one in Italy on 13 September 2022, one in Germany on 21 September 2022 and one in Spain on 18 October 2022) with subjects the same as the respective workshop in the country. They were held in the language of the country and subtitled in English.

A guide for workers titled “Information and consultation in covid-19 times”, focusing on organizational and digital adaptation of information and consultation processes, available in English, Greek, German, Italian and Spanish.

Online repository with capacity building materials. The repository includes all project products and is available in English, Italian, German, Spanish and Greek.

A final transnational conference in Athens on the 4th of November with 59 participants, with available interpretation to and from English, Greek, Italian and Spanish

Project website and dissemination of project outcomes (Greek, English and source language).


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