The outburst of covid-19 pandemic in 2020 acted as a catalyst and it had critical influence in speeding up the process of adopting new forms of employment and work organisation or measures such as lay-offs and short term working. The lockdown, the restrictions in travelling and the social distancing measures formed new realities.
In this context, the project New Challenges+ comes to open the discussion between social partners about how to face new challenges in information and consultation related with the covid-19 pandemic. Final aim is empowering and capacity building of employees’ representatives to face better these challenges.
Capitalising on the previous work and partnerships, the project aims to meet the need of trade unionists, work councils’ and EWCs’ members to learn more and better how to move in praxis to cope with these challenges for information and consultation procedures in their companies. This will be attained through exchanging experiences, working together in workshops both physical and virtual ones producing ideas, taking into account input and feedback from representatives of employers’ organisations so as to reflect on possible answers and responses to these challenges.